If a experienced teacher started work at Hogwarts: Part 1

 Professor A. Teacher: One of my students didn't manage to complete their homework.

Dumbledore: Oh. Detention?

Professor A.Teacher: Yes, I thought we could meet up, and I could give them some remedial work to do while we discuss whether they would like some additional help...

Dumbledore: Forbidden forest.

A.Teacher: Forbidden...

Dumbledore: Forest.

A.Teacher: To...

Dumbledore: hunt for whatever has been killing unicorns.

A.Teacher: That sounds dangerous! I presume they'll be chaperoned?

Dumbledore: Of course. By the only member of staff who can't use magic.


Dumbledore: Oh, and they'll have to go at night.

A.Teacher:..... because....

Dumbledore: Because magic. That's why.

A.Teacher: How will this benefit their education, and help them stay up to date with homework in future?

Dumbledore:.... education?
