A memo from me to I

It’s me.
Your closest neighbour for the last 20 years.
The ant, the figment who lives in your basement.
I know, it’s been a while.
I just wanted to try and get back in contact,
Restart the conversation.

Do you remember when we were younger?
We got on well back then.
You would say “I’m hungry”,
I would say, “Let’s go and get food!”
You would say, “I’m going to bed”,
I’d say “I’m not tired”
And while you slept I ran around the world,
I played hopscotch over alligators
And hid from the tiger who came to tea.

Then things changed, can you remember?
I said, “let’s run!”
You said, “No.”
I said “I want to get up now”
You said “I’m tired.”
I tried to work, you walked out and slammed the door,
made my ears ring.
I said “I’m going to…”
You said

We became a mess of “I want to”
And “I’m tired” “I hurt”
I said “I want to have fun”
I said “I want to go to school today”
And when you said “No” I dragged you behind me,
I didn’t stop pulling until we got back home,
And I said “I’m sorry”
And you said

Now, I see that maybe I should have done more.
I want to do more.
I can’t be an easy person to live with.
I’m loud, I’m fast.
I want to dance, to sing, to run.
You’ve never been one for running.

So maybe I need to stop asking you to speed up.
Maybe I need to slow down
To ask for less
To do less.
To be less.
I’m prepared to do that for you.
I don't really have a choice any more.
So please,
Can we try again?
What do you say?
