Two hundred reasons that the Earth is flat. Or not. part 3

200 reasons the earth isn’t a spinning ball, number 3:

3) The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense.

Now, this reason revolves around water. Basically the idea is that water always fills the container it is in to create a flat surface. Therefore, if earth was flat, the sea could be flat and hold it’s level easily, while in a round earth the flat sea they claim exist could not be truly flat.
And in a way they are right. If fluids always formed flat surfaces, a round earth could not have flat oceans, however, as I have already discussed in point 1 and 2, the seas and oceans are not flat, and in fact dip away beyond the horizons (as proved by the hull of boats disappearing before the sails). Photos from space also show the oceans curving.
Therefore, the question becomes how does water curve?
Well, actually water is never truly flat. If you have ever drawn water up into a narrow tube, you will see that it’s surface actually forms a crescent shape, or a meniscus because of the surface tension of the water. Once you realise this, the whole idea of curved water becomes less strange, but it still doesn’t explain the curve that we see in the seas.
As i understand it, the curved horizon of the oceans is due to the resolution of several forces. First, is the force away from the earth caused by it’s rapid spinning. Think of this as being like that science experiment where you spin a bucket of water around your head, and the water stays in the bucket. Well, until yo slow down anyway. I always thought that getting wet was more important to  most of us than the science, but anyway...
Anyway, by itself, this force should send all earth’s water flying off into space. Fortunately, there is a stronger force pulling it down, the Earth’s gravity. Every single thing on earth is constantly accelerating downwards at a rate of 9.8 metres per second squared. This means that if you were to suddenly drill a tunnel down to the centre of the earth underneath yourself, without the floor to support you you would fall down...and down....and down.... getting faster... and faster... and faster...
Thankfully, that doesn’t happen. Instead, we are constantly pulled down into the ground, sticking our feet firmly to the floor. The same thing happens to the world’s water. It is pulled down towards the centre of the globe as powerfully as we are. It, being free to flow, finds itself travelling to the spot where it is as close to the centre of the earth as possible, so water flows downhill until it reaches the lowest point possible, then fills it to form a sea, lake, river or ocean.
So, with this in mind, why is water curved? It’s because the acceleration due to gravity isn’t straight down. Instead, it’s constantly pointing towards the dense centre of the planet. Water a the north pole is accelerating in the opposite direction as water in the south pole. This means that water is pulled into the curve that we can see.
